Contact Regis Admissions
(646) 657-2059
Douglas Eickman '05
Director of Admissions & Enrollment
Victor Bowman, Jr.
Associate Director of Admissions
Lauren Curry
Admissions Associate
Entrance Exam

Regis uses the High School Placement Exam (HSPT) as its Scholarship Exam. It will be offered at Regis on Saturday, November 16th, 2024. Bronx, Manhattan, and Queens residents will take the exam at 8:30 a.m. Students from other geographic regions will take the exam at 12:30 p.m. When students submit their application online, they are automatically registered to take the Scholarship Exam at Regis. (If you need to switch testing sessions for a legitimate reason, simply call the Admissions Office.)

The exam lasts about three hours. Parents can wait in the auditorium, pray in the chapel, visit the Metropolitan Museum of Art, or do some early Christmas shopping for the Admissions Office. 

The exam tests cognitive and basic skills. It is divided into five sections:

Cognitive Skills

Verbal Skills consists of 60 questions, covering synonyms, antonyms, verbal analogies, verbal classifications and logical reasoning. (18 minutes)

Quantitative Skills consists of 52 questions, covering number series, number manipulations, and both geometric and nongeometric quantitative comparisons. (30 minutes)

Basic Skills

Reading consists of 62 questions, covering the ability to remember important ideas and significant details, recognizing central thought or purpose, making logical inferences and understanding vocabulary in context. (25 minutes)

Mathematics consists of 64 questions, covering computation, problem solving, important math concepts and reasoning. (45 minutes)

Language consists of 60 questions, covering punctuation, capitalization, spelling, grammar, usage and composition. (25 minutes)

Students should familiarize themselves with the HSPT; there are prep books available with sample exams. Please watch the video below to learn more.

Contact Regis Admissions
(646) 657-2059
Douglas Eickman '05
Director of Admissions & Enrollment
Victor Bowman, Jr.
Associate Director of Admissions
Lauren Curry
Admissions Associate