Regis High School

REACH Program Nomination Form

Nominators must be a 5th grade principal, teacher, counselor, pastor or director of religious education, or employee of another educational community based organization.

Nominees must:

  • Male
  • Currently enrolled in the 5th grade
  • Outstanding potential in academics and leadership
  • Catholic
  • From a family with financial need (80% of current REACH families earn less than $100,000 annually)
If you are a parent interested in having your son apply to REACH, please use the 'Request an Application' feature. Do not fill out this form.
Nominator Name and Information
Student Information
Next Steps: Receiving the REACH Application * The family portion of the REACH application will be mailed hard copy directly to the nominee's home address provided above.
To ensure receipt of application, please confirm accuracy of name and mailing address, including apartment #'s, etc. Thank you.
* You will receive an email with instructions on how the applicant's school is to submit their portion of the REACH application (the Academic Performance Record and Recommendations). If you do not work at your nominee's school, please contact your nominee's family and secure the contact information of the school principal or counselor. You can then forward the email containing the application instructions directly to the appropriate person at the school.

By pressing submit, you are certifying that you are the nominator stated above.