In dialogue with tradition and the modern world, the Theology Department aims to foster a thorough understanding of our Catholic faith - a faith founded in sound theological study and profound personal, spiritual growth. Theology at Regis empowers students to engage with their faith and to think critically and compassionately about themselves and the wider world.
- Honors Introduction to Catholicism
- Honors Christian Scriptures
- Honors Catholic Ethics
Senior Course Options
- Art and Morality
- Biblical Christology
- Catholics and the American Political Tradition
- Environmental Theology
- The Holy Eucharist
- Ignatian Way
- Political Philosophy and Theology
- Radically Reading the Gospels with the Signs of the Times
- The Religious Orders and Colonialism
- Religious Themes in Film
- The Second Vatican Council and Pope Francis
- A Secular Age
- St. Paul: Life, Times, and Letters
- The World's Religions