Profile of the Graduate at Graduation

Open to Growth

By graduation, the Regis High School student has an understanding of his unique worth and a perception of his strengths and limitations. Desiring to expand his self-knowledge, he approaches the future hopefully and humbly and is eager to explore the promise it holds for sustained growth.

Intellectually Proficient

By graduation, the Regis High School student has a growing appreciation for the intellectual life. He has already experienced many of the satisfactions that derive from intellectual pursuits, and has mastered the learning skills appropriate for a person of his age and development. He has encountered ideas and emotions expressed with beauty and power. He has been summoned to refinement of perception and disciplined thinking. He has a more mature grasp of his cultural heritage. New possibilities for self-expression have been opened up, together with growing appreciation of those other worlds which have contributed to and shaped his own. The experience of being sensitized to beauty has unlocked his potential for original and creative self-expression. And his knowledge of Catholic tradition has been deepened within the context of his growing capacity for mature faith. The prospect of expanding and deepening his knowledge is exciting, and he accepts the challenge to employ the tools of learning for a fuller understanding of himself and his world.


By graduation, the Regis High School student has grown in his fundamental orientation toward God and toward the Christian community. He has a good knowledge of the heritage and teachings of the Catholic Church; he realizes that commitment to Christ and to others within and outside the Church should be based on personal acceptance of the gift of faith; and he has an emerging conviction that so great a gift must be shared.


By graduation, the Regis High School student is growing in his self-acceptance and recognition that he is loved by God and others. He demonstrates a willingness to deepen relationships by communicating his joys and struggles, trusting his networks of support, and embracing the sacred complexity of the lives surrounding him. Freely he returns these gifts of love to his expanding community by cultivating lifelong virtues of empathy, kinship, and service.

Committed to Doing Justice

By graduation, the Regis High School Student has acquired considerable knowledge of the many needs of local, national, and global communities. Desiring to take a place in these communities as a concerned and responsible adult committed to doing justice, he is developing his awareness and the skills necessary to live as a person for and with others.