Regis offers a rich, rigorous academic environment. We promote critical thinking, collaboration, and creativity to enhance the student experience inside and outside of the classroom. The program is distinctive in that all courses are taught at the honors level and at an accelerated pace; it is also distinctive in that students are allowed an unusual measure of responsibility and self-direction. Academic life at Regis can best be described as "high challenge, high support."
All students are required to study four years of English and theology; three years of history, language, mathematics, and science; two years of computer science and arts; and one year of speech. Students also take physical education and school counseling for four years. The Science Research Project and Student Historian Project are optional, for-credit courses.
Course of Studies
- Honors Biology
- Honors Language I or II (Chinese, French, German, Latin, or Spanish)
- Honors World Literature
- Honors Geometry or Advanced Geometry/Algebra II
- Honors World History
- Honors Introduction to Catholicism
- Foundations in Art*
- Computer Science 9*
- Speech*
- Honors Chemistry
- Honors Language II or III
- Honors American Literature
- Honors Algebra II or Advanced Precalculus with Trigonometry
- Honors U.S. History
- Honors Christian Scriptures
- Arts in America*
- Computer Science 10*
- Science Research Project
- Student Historian Project
- Honors Physics
- Honors Language III or IV
- Honors Close Reading & Critical Writing
- Honors Precalculus with Trigonometry or Advanced Calculus I
- Honors European History
- Honors Catholic Ethics
- Elective*
- Science Research Project
- Honors English**
- Honors Theology**
- Honors or Advanced Science Elective
- Honors Language IV or V
- Honors or Advanced Math Elective
- Honors History Elective
- Honors Arts Elective
- Honors or Advanced Computer Science Elective
- Independent Study
- Science Research Project
** In their first two trimesters, seniors are required to choose courses in English and theology, as well as three electives from among those offered by the Arts, Computer Science, History, Language, Mathematics, or Science Departments. All students also work on a service project for one half-day each week. Students may elect to take a sixth course in senior year, which can be an independent study project.
Senior Year Third Trimester
In their third trimester, seniors choose one of three programs:
Academic Option: Elective choices similar to their first and second trimesters, with one morning at a service site and the afternoon back at Regis for a social justice seminar.
Christian Service Option: Full-time Christian Service at a service site, with one afternoon back at Regis for a social justice seminar.
Social Justice in Action Option: Two full days of independent, academic work and two-and-a-half days of Christian Service at a service site, with one afternoon back at Regis for a social justice seminar.
Senior Year Electives
- Acting
- Advanced Studio Art
- Figure Drawing
- Music History and Theory
- Spirituality of Yoga
- Independent Study
Computer Science
- Advanced Computer Programming
- Advanced Java Programming
- Honors Problem Solving/Genetic Programming
Honors English Seminars
- Adaptations
- Artificial Intelligence
- Between Two Wars: Literary Modernism
- Burn, Baby, Burn: Discourses on the Most Frequently Banned Books in the U.S.
- The Catholic Imagination
- Dante's Divine Comedy
- Feminism
- Graphic Novels
- The Importance of Being Funny
- Knights, Magic, and Monsters
- Literary Adaptations: From Page to Screen
- Melville's Moby Dick
- Nabokov's Terrifying Beauty
- The Past, Present, and Uncertain Future of Feminism
- Political Literature and Utopianism
- Reading Television: The Wire
- Theater of New York
- This Is the End: Confrontations With Mortality in Literature
- Writing About Oneself: Personal Essays
- Writing for Social Justice
- Honors Contemporary Social and Political Issues
- Honors History of Japan
- Honors History of New York
- Honors History of the Cold War
- Honors Missing History
- Honors Chinese IV
- Honors French IV
- Honors German IV
- Honors Latin IV
- Honors Spanish IV
- Honors Spanish V
- Advanced Calculus II and Multivariable Calculus
- Honors Calculus I
- Honors Calculus I and II
- Honors Financial Accounting
- Honors Statistics
- Linear Algebra (independent study)
- Advanced Biology
- Advanced Chemistry
- Advanced Physics
- Introduction to Engineering
- Introduction to Psychology
Honors Theology Seminars
- Art and Morality
- Biblical Christology
- Catholics and the American Political Tradition
- Environmental Theology
- The Holy Eucharist
- Ignatian Way
- Political Philosophy and Theology
- Radically Reading the Gospels with the Signs of the Times
- The Religious Orders and Colonialism
- Religious Themes in Film
- The Second Vatican Council and Pope Francis
- A Secular Age
- St. Paul: Life, Times, and Letters
- The World's Religions