Regis Dedicates Renovated Lower Gym and New Fitness Center

Regis formally dedicated its renovated lower gym and new fitness center on Tuesday, cutting the ribbon in a ceremony attended by seniors, faculty, and staff.

"Almighty God, we sing your praises without ceasing," said President Rev. Christopher Devron, SJ, in his dedication. "You rule over all things with wonderful order, you temper the cares and burdens of our toil, and, by giving us rest and healthy recreation, you refresh our weary bodies and minds. We entreat your kindness, that this place and its facilities will contribute to leisure activities that renew the spirit and strengthen the body and the mind."

Following Fr. Devron's prayer and blessing with holy water, Principal Mr. Charlie Heintz cut the ribbon to officially open the lower gym, which features air conditioning, a sound system, and a new batting cage, in addition to new flooring and a new look in Regis red.

As part of the ceremony, the Regis Owl took the opening shot on the lower gym's new basketball hoops, while Dean of Students Mr. Brian Robinson and Athletic Director Ms. Frances Lyons faced off in a game of O-W-L. Students also got their first look at the new fitness center, which has been relocated, expanded, and stocked with all-new equipment.

Additional events are planned throughout this week for freshman, sophomores, and juniors to celebrate the opening of the renovated spaces.

Posted: 10/9/24
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