Regis Nomination for Application

This form is intended for public and independent school applicants only and helps us make sure that a Regis application is a good fit for your family. Students who attend local Catholic schools must be nominated by either by a teacher or the principal of their school. If you or your son are an 8th grade local Catholic school student, please contact your school or Regis Admissions for more information on receiving a Regis Scholarship nomination. At this time, Regis is only accepting nominations for students currently in Grade 8 and applying for 2025-2026 school year.
Parent/Guardian Information Please provide your contact information.

Relation to student:
First name:
Last name:
Student Information
Legal first name:
Middle name:
Legal last name:
Preferred Name:
Student is baptized Catholic:
Current School:

Uploaded File
Please attach a copy of the student's 7th grade report card. An official transcript from your son's school will still be requested as part of the application process.

  • You can attach up to 2 files.
  • Supported document types are .jpg and .pdf files.
  • Please be sure files are legible. Any uploaded files that are difficult to read will delay the application process.