Student Services

School Counseling Department

At Regis, school counselors meet individually with each student throughout the year. During all four years, school counselors meet with students once per academic cycle in school counseling small groups, consisting of 12–15 students.

Freshman Year Program
The freshman year program aims to help each member of the incoming class adjust to high school in general, and Regis in particular. It is predicated on the assumption that, if a student who is changing from childhood to adolescence better understands himself and his environment, he will be able to better negotiate the challenges he will confront during this transitional year and in the years ahead.

Sophomore Year Program
The sophomore year program aims to promote the further development and refinement of academic and life skills crucial to success at Regis and beyond. It works towards the consolidation of gains he has made in freshman year by asking him to intensify his efforts, to personally adopt and develop sound study methodologies and habits of mind, to deepen and broaden his existing interests and relationships, and to begin weaving the threads of his life experience into the fabric of a mature, integrated student and person.

Junior Year Program
The junior year program calls upon the student to move beyond the mastery of basic high school skills. To this end, it is divided into two interrelated sections: first, higher academic and life skills development, and second, career and college decision-making. The major themes of the former unit include organizational and higher order study skills, moral reasoning and decision-making in a values context, self-esteem, realistic self-examination and self-portrayal, coping strategies, and substance use and other issues related to social surroundings. Working from the assumption that every junior has attained a level of intellectual sophistication, emotional maturity, and personal independence appropriate for his age, the program turns the student’s conscious attention outward both to his life after Regis and to the world at-large.

Senior Year Program
The senior year school counseling program assists the student in discerning his true strengths and examining desires in seeking a college match; in creating an application that is authentic, yet depicts him at his best; in maintaining a sense of self-esteem throughout the process and senior year; in resisting the temptation to make college admissions the focus of his last year at the cost of fully appreciating and enjoying his senior year; and in reflecting on his four-year growth and its lessons so as to continue benefiting from them after Regis.

Academic Advisors

It is taken for granted that the students who are accepted at Regis are young men of unusual academic ability. At the same time, it is recognized that success in studies at the secondary level and beyond requires the acquisition of study skills, as well as innate ability. Students must learn how to study: how to budget time, set goals, review material, etc. More than that, performance in academics is usually a reflection of overall outlook and attitude. At Regis, the primary responsibility for monitoring the student’s academic progress, use of time and attitudes toward the educa-tional process lies with the academic advisors. Each advisor has responsibility for a group that includes from eleven to sixteen students with whom he or she meets daily. Freshmen and sophomores have longer and more frequent group meetings than juniors and seniors. Group sessions are used to address business and matters of communal concern. Advisors also meet at least once a term with each student for substantial private conversation. When a student encounters significant academic difficulty, the advisor works in collaboration with the student’s school counselor and the Assistant Principal.

Licensed Psychologist

Regis has for many years provided a number of psychological services through a full-time licensed psychologist. These services include the confidential evaluation and treatment of students experiencing emotional or behavioral difficulties, the assessment and remediation of academic or learning problems, screening for substance abuse, consultation with parents, and referrals to other mental health professionals or agencies.

Alumni Mentor Program

“AMP” is run by one or two academically successful Regis Alumni who are recent college graduates. AMP is a structured afterschool remediation and skills development project designed to assist freshmen and sophomores who are having difficulty in their academic work.


Regis High School employs a Registered Nurse to provide student health services. The school nurse identifies and follows acute and chronic health issues that might impact the students during the school day. A primary objective of the school nurse is to keep students healthy and consistently in school. The school nurse has many roles, including clinician, resource for students, faculty, staff and families, coordinator for extended illness and absence, liaison between Health Office, Dean of Students Office and faculty. She also recommends referrals to physicians and agencies when indicated and provides assessment and first aid for emergencies. The school nurse also serves as coordinator for the Health curriculum. Based on student interest, the school nurse provides group and individual health related services in various areas such as smoking cessation, weight issues, nutrition, exercise, alcohol and drug information and issues.

Special Learning Needs Policy

Please click here to read Regis' policy related to students with special learning needs.
