Sophomore School Counseling

The sophomore year school counseling program aims to promote the further development and refinement of academic and life skills crucial to success at Regis and beyond. It works towards the consolidation of gains he has made in freshman year by asking him to intensify his efforts, to personally adopt and develop sound study methodologies and habits of mind, to deepen and broaden his existing interests and relationships, and to begin weaving the threads of his life experience into the fabric of a mature, integrated student and person.

The program includes both individual and group sessions. Each sophomore meets individually with his school counselor several times during the school year. More individual meetings are scheduled by the school counselor or by the student as needed, especially in managing academic, peer, or family and relationship problems as they may arise. Group sessions occur once a cycle and are conducted by advisement group. These are both informational and discussion-oriented and provide the student with regular opportunities to both share his ideas on topics of interest and to listen open-mindedly to the thoughts and views of his classmates. .

During group sessions, school counselors regularly check in with students about how the week is going and give space for mental health and well-being reflections. School counselors encourage mindfulness practices like breathing techniques and positive coping skills that students can adapt to their individual lives and use on a regular basis. .

Topics in the sophomore year group sessions include the following throughout the year:

  • Introductions & Departmental Forms
  • Gratitude
  • Goal Setting
  • PSAT Preparation and Understanding Standardized Testing
  • Study Skills
  • Managing Expectations
  • Stress Management
  • Understanding Mental Health
  • Effective Communication
  • Social Pressures
  • Respect for Others
  • Summer Programs & Opportunities
  • Regular Self-Reflection
  • Race, Ethnicity, Culture, and Stereotypes
  • Gender
  • Relationships
  • Substance Use
  • Social Media
  • Sophomore Year Reflection & Looking Ahead to Junior Year